Version History


Bug Fixes:-

  1. Bug fix in docker for prisma integration

  2. Bug fix for issue in opening JSON view for mocks in "All Requests"

  3. Bug fix in search email option in reset password popup


  1. If mongo accessed from mongoose then experimental flag must be set for mongoose connection unmocking.

  2. Check if ht-coverage directory doesn't exist, then create it


Bug Fixes:-


  1. Download htcli config file directly from UI

  2. Added "last updated" timestamp when hovering over the coverage progress bar in the UI.


Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fix for the UI error when displaying Kafka Timestamp. (Error displayed as "NAN undefined NAN")

  2. UI glitch fixed when adding a new service on UI


  1. Ensure that new users logging into the UI for the first time see a list of all available services in the UI

  2. Introduction to a UI for self-signup functionality

  3. Added a test progress bar on UI when running tests via CLI

  4. 'Unknown Keys' info provided if any unknown key is added by the user


Bug Fixes:-

  1. To improve portability, store relative path instead of absolute path in NYC JSON summary


  1. Added documentation to create webhook url in slack notifications page

  2. Get more coverage info data from the option 'more coverage info' in UI

  3. Deleting service data outside of transaction. Can help delete large amounts of data and will not revert deleted data if this 'delete job' fails


Bug Fixes:-

  1. get filtered services query fix for service page

  2. Graphql: Handling partial data errors in Replay. Now HT stores error only when selection set matches or no data is returned

  3. Adding Further details in Coverage report in UI


  1. Code Coverage being shown on UI


Bug Fixes:-

  1. If user was on test results page, then accidentally logs out and then logs back in with the same link, they get directed to the test results page.

  2. Added backend port to HT_BACKEND_BASE_URL.

  3. Redis Fix: Proper Handling of empty test results.


  1. Freeze the versions of cjs module 'lexer'

  2. update coverage info at the end of post test deduplication

  3. Cron job terminates the test after 2 minutes if there is no progress


Bug Fixes:-


  1. Create functions from UI(settings) to filter out mock differences

  2. Add rules to ignore noise from UI


Bug Fixes:-


  1. Reduced no of root mocks from backend to CLI to reduce memory usage

  2. Add coverage percent in backend db

  3. Notify user on UI about latest version of the sdk/CLI

  4. Added nyc for other protocols(graphql, amqp)

  5. In testResponse table, graphql headers are added in requestObj


Bug Fixes:-

  1. RedisShortSubModuleName experimental flag added


  1. Separating paths for root user and a normal user

  2. Added a new mock class for sqllite-3


Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fix/missing types after router change: In the ht-cli (HyperTest CLI) build process, it ensures that type definitions are now properly accounted for to prevent type errors in the system.

  2. Root mocks bug fixed


  1. Route added on UI to configure Slack notifications. Now user can add slack webhooks themselves.


Bug Fixes:-


  1. Added the new Feature: Post Test Deduplication. Deduplicate requests via code coverage

  2. CLI checks user application without making an http call, to improve performance

  3. Introducing a new router with authentication middleware

  4. Ability to view diffs for noise


Bug Fixes:-

  1. If a noise and a difference were both present, it was marking everything as a noise. We have fixed that.


  1. CLI version can be seen in 'Show More Details' in a test.

  2. After importing htsdk, a user can dynamically import the underlying methods


Bug Fixes:-

  1. Mongoose: Now Mongoose connect call returns a promise with "this".


  1. added inputSchemaHash, inputValueHash, collectiveHash in requestObject of testResponse table to enable this in Test results.

  2. Redis Instrumentation: added patch for redis JSON, GRAPH, SEARCH, TIMESERIES, BLOOM instrumentation


Bug Fixes:-


  1. (UI) Added documentation link to the dashboard

  2. (UI) rules written in the config file are indented properly when shown in UI.

  3. changed the env file from 'env' to 'env-ht'.


Bug Fixes:-

  1. (UI)Intermittent issue in viewing the 'JSON View' for outbound calls fixed.


  1. (UI) Timestamp column when tests were in REPLAY mode added in UI

  2. (UI) Alignment fix for 'Download Raw' button in UI


Bug Fixes:-

  1. (UI)Ignore MOCK_FORCE_MATCHED(AI MATCHED) differences if all other difference are ignored of that mock by some predefined rules and UI changes


  1. Removed accept header requests for better performance

  2. Optimized LRU cache to make sure if HyperTest is not used for the past 10 days, request count doesn't increase to more than 5000.


Bug Fixes:-


  1. Added support for aws and sequelize instrumentation to work with esm modules

  2. (UI) Bulk accepting all the changes in the test cases from UI

  3. Automatically accept the differences in a test case and pass the test case if their is no change found in the actual code.


Bug Fixes:-


  1. adding http server client instrumentation mocks for a graphql request.


Bug Fixes:-


  1. Provided Support for esm modules

  2. To aid in deduplication of the request, we will consider the unique outbound call hash in the deduplication hash.


Bug Fixes:-


  1. False positives removed in http tests by taking intersection with git diff.

  2. If the response of the request is other than 'OK', it will be run in fastMode by default.


Bug Fixes:-

  1. SSO issue: Making messages more readable when logging in via SSO.


  1. Ability to serialize bigint data type values by introducing a function for this


Bug Fixes:-

  1. 'No email found' cases handled for SSO

  2. AMQP biome fix for better code performance

  3. (UI)Scrolling glitches resolved



Bug Fixes:-

  1. Response difference error fixed. Now only the actual error will be marked red instead of the whole column.


  1. Update in redirect URL for slack notifications. Now it will show the dashboard view

  2. Introduction to SSO

  3. Migration to prisma db version 5.20.0 for better performance.


Bug Fixes:-


  1. Increased tRPC error handling for non json input

  2. Increased database performance by optimizing prisma db behaviour


Bug Fixes:-

  1. (UI) When accepting changes and updating the mock table we will coalesce globalMockVersion_real.



Bug Fixes:-

  1. Mongoose Instrumentation: Fields are considered if at least one is key present. If nothing is present, then fields will not be shown in UI



Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed the issue where the cluster path coming as an empty string in request due to body parser



Bug Fixes:-


  1. (UI)Wrap trimmed string and make the string expandable


Bug Fixes:-

  1. Mongoose Instrumentation: Added filter fix in mock's readableInput for findAndUpdate. (Added support for distinct and projections)

  2. Fixed discard request feature


  1. Introduced Slack Notifications feature

  2. Better logging capabilities for tRPC failures

  3. Storing time taken to boot the application via markappasready()


Bug Fixes:-

  1. New redis patch : SELECT method to select a db number

  2. Axios errors in auth0 instrumentations handled to reduce no of requests


  1. Show differences in the output of tags

  2. The 'headers' key ignored while taking schema. This will further increase deduplication

  3. Check Candidate URL is up to verify if app is up and running at correct port (for http and graphql)

  4. The global mock version attribute added to improve in handling false positives of 'AI Matched' cases.


Bug Fixes:-

  1. Aggressive deduplication for graphql by processing only input schema change in graphql requests’ 0th index in resolver chain

  2. Removed promise.all in updateRootReplayMocksAndDifferences API to avoid errors in CLI


  1. Mark as noise from front end

  2. bot to check in package.json to check if there is a stable updated version for the dependency


Bug Fixes:-

  1. Sequelize Instrumentation: only perform transformation (changing models into names) up to a depth of 5 levels to avoid maximum call stack exceeded errors.

  2. Stop capturing http requests generated by popular APMs when running in record & replay for HyperTest



Bug Fixes:-

  1. Fixed AI forced matched mocks that were coming out in red, which implied an error.



Bug Fixes:-

  1. Sequelize Instrumentation: If toJSON is available in each index, then remove circular ref object from readable input



Bug Fixes:-


  1. (UI)”Outbound Calls Not Found” changed to “Outbound Calls not Made”

  2. (UI) Not of Outbound calls will be visible when the dropdown is collapsed.


Bug Fixes:-


  1. (UI)- If a string value is too large in the response and the mock, it gets truncated partially and a copy button is presented to view it separately

  2. (UI)- Requests recorded will be sorted by id instead of timestamp

  3. (UI)- ‘Forced Matched’ gets renamed to ‘AI Matched’


Bug Fixes:-

  1. (UI) Able to accept requests which have been deleted


  1. Introduction to fetch instrumentation (http client)

  2. Increase deduplication in GRPC by converting or decoding any JSON strings that appear as part of the payload, but only at the first level

  3. Output status is now a filter available while fetching tests from the cli. we can now run tests which only have say 'OKAY' status


Bug Fixes


  1. (UI)-query, variables and headers are arranged in different tabs of request info for graphql in UI

  2. (UI)-request id as a filter as well in all requests and test results

  3. (UI)-mock id search filter for root mocks page in UI

  4. (UI)-original mock id instead of testResponseMock id if present in UI

  5. (UI)-sort requests by timestamp (ascending and descending) on UI

Last updated