Ignore differences for unmodified requests

How to ignore differences for unmodified requests?

After the test runs, there can be some requests that contain noises. Sometimes these noises can't be detected by hypertest and they are marked as errors. You can reduce the number of such noises using this feature. In this feature we will calculate the code coverage for a particular request, then check if there were any modifications in that part of code. Differences for unmodified requests are ignored. We use git diff to list the modifications. You are required to set your baseline branch to compute git diff in the cli config.

  1. Add nyc to your the command that starts your app. Follow this for help

  2. Add this to your cli config

// Your cli config
        ...Rest of your cli config
    shouldIgnoreDifferencesInUnmodifiedRequests: true,
    masterBranch: <your-baseline-branch>

This feature doesn't require you to store coverage for the baseline branch

Last updated