Node.js SDK with CJS

How to add nodejs sdk into your application

1. Installing node-SDK package

HyperTest's npm packages are hosted on a github private NPM registry To Install and use HyperTest's node-sdk package in your application, we will do the following steps:

  1. Create NPM_TOKEN - The Hypertest Team share this with you.

  2. set NPM_TOKEN in .npmrc file

  3. Install HyperTest's node-sdk package

Add the following content in your .npmrc

1st line in this file has authToken for pulling packages from NPM registry.

2nd line indicates to use registry to pull packages scoped with @hypertestco


npm install @hypertestco/node-sdk --save-exact 

2. Initializing sdk

2.1 Adding SDK in code and Initialize open telemetry sdk with hypertest

  • Initalize hypertest node sdk.

This needs to happen as early in your app as possible. Make sure no require/import call is made before these lines

// import * as htSdk from '@hypertestco/node-sdk'; // for esm/ts
const htSdk = require('@hypertestco/node-sdk'); // for commonJS
    apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
    serviceId: '<your-service-identifier-from-dashboard>',
    serviceName: '<organizationName:service-name>',
    exporterUrl: '<hypertest-logger-url>',
    // ignoredHostsForHttpReqs: ['', /^\d+\.abcd\.co(m|)$/],
    // disableInstrumentations: [] // htSdk.HtInstrumentations enum is defined below. 
#### Enum: HtInstrumentations

Possible values for HtInstrumentations.

- `HtMysqlInstrumentation`
- `HtPgInstrumentation`
- `HtPrismaInstrumentation`
- `HtMysql2Instrumentation`
- `HtSocketIoInstrumentation`
- `HtRedisInstrumentation`
- `HtKafkaInstrumentation`
- `HtAwsSdkInstrumentation`
- `HtAmqplibInstrumentation`
- `HtNodemailerInstrumentation`
- `HtIoredisInstrumentation`
- `HtMongoDbInstrumentation`
- `HtMongooseInstrumentation`
- `HtHttpInstrumentation`
- `HtSequelizeInstrumentation`
- `HtGraphqlInstrumentation`
- `HtGrpcInstrumentation`
- `HtTypeormInstrumentation`
- `HtExpressInstrumentation`
- `HtJsonWebTokenInstrumentation`
- `HtEtcd3Instrumentation`
- `HtNodeZookeeperClientInstrumentation`
- `HtFastifyInstrumentation`

2.2 Mark app as ready

Call the markAppAsReady method when the app is ready to receive traffic, it indicates that tests can be started (This is important ONLY FOR REPLAY mode).

// Rest Application code...
// add htSdk.markAppAsReady(); when your app is ready to accept requests
app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log(`Listening for requests on http://localhost:3000`);
  // Indicates the App has booted up successfully for REPLAY And Tests can be started

To enable hypertest, set the HT_MODE env variable to RECORD and start your app

// Set this on top inside your JS app
process.env.HT_MODE = process.env.HT_MODE || 'RECORD';

OR while booting

HT_MODE=RECORD node my-app.js


node my-app.js

2.3 Set env if opentelemetry is already being used.

// Set this on top inside your JS app
process.env.APPLY_HT_OTEL_PATCH = 'yes'; // Set this env only if opentelemetry is already being used in your application.

3. Verifying traffic is captured

Start sending http requests on your app running with hypertest sdk.

You should start seeing requests under All requests section on the dashboard

Last updated