Verify htcli has been installed using the below command:
Getting Started:
1. Create a Test Configuration File
Available Configurations:
constrequestTypes= { HTTP:'HTTP', GRAPHQL:'GRAPHQL', KAFKA:'KAFKA', GRPC:'GRPC', AMQP:'AMQP',};module.exports= { htBackendBaseUrl:"",// URL of HyperTest server (Required) serviceIdentifier:"",// UUID for the service (Required) requestTypesToTest: [requestTypes.HTTP],// What kind of requests to include in the test httpCandidateUrl:"",// HTTP URL of App under test (Optional)// graphqlCandidateUrl: "", // GraphQL URL of App under test (Optional) appStartCommand:"",// Command to start the app (Required) appStartCommandArgs: ["<Argument 1>","<Argument 2>"],// App start command arguments (Required) appWorkingDirectory: __dirname,// Working directory for the app (default: current working dir) (Optional) appStartTimeoutSec:30,// Timeout in seconds for the start command (default: 10) (Optional) showAppLogs:true,// Whether to show app logs (default: false) (Optional) shouldReportHeaderDiffs:false,// Whether to report differences in headers (default: false) (Optional) testBatchSize:50,// Number of concurrent test requests (default: 50) (Optional)//testRequestsLimit": 10, // Number requests to test (Optional)//httpReqFiltersArr: [], // "<GET /users>", "<ANY REGEX:^/payments>" (Optional) htExtraHeaders: { // Object containing additional headers for HyperTest server requests (Optional)// authorization: 'Bearer xyz' }, fastMode:true,// Default false. (aggregate requests only on the basis of request input and output schema - ignoring mock schemas)// httpReqsToTest: [], // specific http requests to be tested can be mentioned. Request Id can be taken from "All Requests" page in dashboard.// graphqlReqsToTest: [], // specific graphql requests to be tested can be mentioned.// grpcReqsToTest: [], // specific grpc requests to be tested can be mentioned.// kafkaReqsToTest: [], // specific kafka requests to be tested can be mentioned.// amqpReqsToTest: [], // specific amqp requests to be tested can be mentioned.// tags: [{name: '', value: ''}], // requests which contain the mentioned tags will be tested. Refer Tags under "User Guides/Node.js SDK" for more information.// shouldIgnoreErrStackTraceDiffs: true, // Stack trace differences are ignored in errors.(default: true) (Optional)// filterFunctionToIgnoreMockDiffs:({ mockDiff, currentMock, requestObj }) => { // // if false is returned then the diff will be ignored// if(mockDiff?.originalValue?.langType === 'Date') return false;// if(mockDiff?.evaluatedPath?.at(-1) === "url" || mockDiff?.evaluatedPath?.at(-2) === "headers") return false;// if(mockDiff?.evaluatedPath?.at(-1) === "host") return false;// return true;//},// filterFunctionToIgnoreResponseDiffs: ({ responseDiff, requestObj }) => { // Param Types are mentioned in Type References page// // if false is returned then the response difference will be ignored // if(responseDiff?.evaluatedPath?.at(-1) === "url" || evaluatedPath?.evaluatedPath?.at(-2) === "headers") return false;// if(responseDiff?.evaluatedPath?.at(-1) === "host") return false;// return true;//},// exitCodeSetter({ testResult }) {// console.log('==test results==')// console.log(testResult)// return 0;//},// initialTimestamp: "", // Initial timestamp in ISO format (Optional)// finalTimestamp: "", // Final timestamp in ISO format (Optional)// cliServerHost: "", // HT CLI server Host to be Used by Clients(server ignores this) (default: localhost) (Optional)// sdkServerHost: "", // HT SDK server Host to be Used by Clients(server ignores this) (default: localhost) (Optional)// autoAcceptChangesInCaseOnlyNoiseDetected: false,// shouldIgnoreErrStackTraceDiffs: true,// exclusionStringsForDifferences: [], // e.g., ['01\.02\.03\.04', 'HyPeRtEsT'],// reservedAppPorts: [], // Ports used by the host application e.g., [3001,4001]};
2. CLI token generation
Please follow the link given below to complete token generation if test is being run in CI env.